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contoh kalimat louis agassiz

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  • The existence of ice ages was first discovered by 1 9th-century Swiss geologist Louis Agassiz.
    Keberadaan zaman es pertama kali ditemukan oleh 1 9-abad ke Swiss geologi Louis Agassiz.
  • Louis Agassiz was born in M?tier (now part of Haut-Vully) in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
    Louis Agassiz lahir di M?tier (sekarang bagian dari Haut-Vully) di kanton Fribourg, Switzerland.
  • Idealists such as Louis Agassiz and Richard Owen believed that each species was fixed and unchangeable because it represented an idea in the mind of the creator.
    Para idealis seperti Louis Agassiz dan Richard Owen meyakini bahwa setiap spesies bersifat tetap dan tak berubah karena ini mewakili sebuah gagasan dalam pikiran Sang Pencipta.
  • Swiss naturalist Louis Agassiz gave this shark its initial scientific name, Carcharodon megalodon, in his 1843 work Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, based on tooth remains.
    Seorang naturalis asal Swiss yang bernama Louis Agassiz memberikan nama ilmiah Carcharodon megalodon dalam karyanya dari tahun 1843 yang berjudul Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, berdasarkan sisa-sisa gigi yang telah ditemukan.
  • Louis Agassiz and others established the reality of continent-covering ice ages, and "fluvialists" like Andrew Crombie Ramsay argued that river valleys were formed, over millions of years by the rivers that flow through them.
    Louis Agassiz dan lain-lain mendirikan realitas benua—meliputi Zaman es, dan "fluvialists" seperti Andrew Crombie Ramsay yang berpendapat bahwa lembah sungai yang terbentuk, selama jutaan tahun oleh sungai yang mengalir melalui tempat tersebut.